*born in Bratislava, Slovakia / lives, sleeps and works in Vienna /
  art history at the University, Vienna / course for electronic media (ELAK), Vienna
1998 - 2002:      Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
since 2007:        teachings and workshops (video, videoinstallation and performance), guest lectures:
                         Technical University Vienna, Department Art and Design (2007-11);
                         University of Art and Design Linz; Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
2011 – 2018:      University Assistent at the Kunstuniversität Linz, Department Experimental Art
2021 – 22          University Lecturer, Institut für Kunst und Bildung, Kunstuniversität Linz

grants / awards
21        Gabriele-Heidecker-Award 2021
13- 20  artist studio of the austrian federal chancellery, Visual Art Depatrment, Studio: Westbahnstrasse
15        artist in residence, CCA Andratx, Mallorca (1 month)
12        outstanding artis award for visual art
09        AIR Program - Paris (sponsored by Bmukk), Cité Internationale des Arts
08        State Scholarship for Fine Art
05        29. austrian grafic competition Innsbruck, Prize of the federal capital Vienna
04        AIR Program – Rome (3 months) (sponsored by Austrian bka)  
04        MAK Schindler AIR Program - Los Angeles (6 months)(sponsored by Austrian bka)
02        AIR Program Krumlov, Czech Republic (3 months) (sponsored by Austrian bka)

solo exhibitions
24       18 rooms, Kunstraum Goethestrasse, Linz
23       In the bodies, BILDRAUM 01, Wien
22       Agent for other spaces, Kunstfestival Grundstein / Schaufenster Denis, Wien 06-09/22
21       Exhibition of the Gabriele Heigecker Award, afo Oberösterreich, Linz
           Common Grounds, Project for public space, from Eden&Lernout, FIRST SCENERY, Wien
20       densestory, Kunstraum Weikendorf, in the context of: Art in Public Space, Lower Austria
19       Scenes for possible resistances, Galerie allerArt Bludenz, curated by Andrea Fink, Remise Bludenz
           Ghosteries, with Susi Jirkuff, Galerie Maerz, KünstlerInnenvereinigung, Linz
17       the only song I remember in slovak, Size Matters, Vienna
           in person: Miriam Bajtala, Living Collection sixpackfilm, Metrokinokulturhaus, Vienna
16       bodies of my work, Performance, Künstlerhaus Wien
13       in my name, Secession, Vienna        
11       terms of decision, with Blue Curry, Austrian Cultural Forum, London
           two monologues for a choir, performance, Projekspace k48, Vienna
10       home stories, Galeria Krokus, Bratislava, Slovakia
          nothing but ghosts, with Gregor Graf, Forum Stadtpark, Graz
09      satellite me, das weisse Haus, Vienna
          asymmetrical focus, with Annja Krautgasser, Galerie Stadtpark, Krems
07      camouflage, swingr, Vienna
06      me and other lamps, Künstlerhaus, Passagengalerie, Vienna
          wild solutions, Galerie 5020, Salzburg
05      can´t see nothing, with Flora Watzal, dreizehn zwei, Vienna
02      AS IF, MAK Gegenwartskunstdepot, Gefechtsturm Arenbergpark, Vienna

group exhibitions + screenings (selection)
24      28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival, section First Lights, World premiere of becoming outline
23     FOUND IN TRANSLATION, screening (15.01.23), curated by Lies Neve, whatartcando, Amsterdam 
         FOCUS ON: Miriam Bajtala, Breitenseer-Lichtspiele (24.02.23) Wien
22     OIKOS: ‘THE HOUSE’, Wienwoche, Brunnenpassage, curated by Deniz Güvensoy, Wien
         YOUtopia, back to Athens 9, International art meeting 22, Athen, Griechenland
         NO.HOT_L, Chicago, kuratiert von Amina Handke, Chicago
         contemporary videoart, Thai-European Friendship 2022, Bangkok art and cultural centre,  
         Thailand, kuratiert von Komson Nookiew
         Dorotheum Wien, Kunst hilft-(…), Mitglieder der Secession Wien
21     VIS Vienna Shorts
        Workshop Jozef Wouters, im Rahmen von ´learning a space by heart`, Wiener Festwochen
20    Diagonale, festival of austrian film (canceled)
        Kairos, Recall of Earth, MIET, Villa Kapantzi, Thessaloniki, Griechenland, curated by S. Panteliadou
19    „Displacement“, Musrara Festival, Jerusalem, Israel
        for the birds, 2 bird boxes for Claudia Märzendorfer, Landesklinikum Hollabrunn (KiöR NÖ)
18    ba‡b+a, 10 Years MUSA- collection of the city of Vienna
        spring, Xcèntric Archive, CCCB, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Barcelona
17    Videonale 16, PERFORM, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany
        Philm, Gallery  of Art and Design, Linz
16    Trans-Positionen-Festival von Werkleitz, Germany
        62. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Germany
        art makes us strange, Brno 2016, B16 Film Festival,
        it is time, Duisburger Filmwochen No.40, Germany
        Portfolio, Video-Forum Berlin der n.b.k, Museo Tamayo, Mexiko
        Diagonale, Festival of Austrian Film, Graz
15    As-If Principle, Magazin 4, Bregenzer Kunstverein, Bregenz
        Another reality, visions of media art, Medienwerkstatt Vienna
        POZOR! Cold border, art collection of upper austria, Linz
        Edinburgh - International Film Festival, Edinburgh
14    a soap opera show machine house, Villa Renata, Basel
        The big illusion, Studio Steinbrener-Dempf, Vienna
        Biografie II, WIR, Fotogalerie Wien
        Experimental Video, BACC Bangkok, Thailand
        Operation Goldhaube, Tradition and contemporary art, Salzburg Museum, Monatsschlössl, Salzburg
13    digging up, Festival der Regionen
        Soft screaming. Cinema as an installation room, Top Kino, Vienna
12    Montag ist erst übermorgen, Ankäufe des Kupferstichkabinetts, xhibit, Kupferstichkabinett, Vienna
        Retrospective Video Art 2012, National Art Gallery Bangkok, Thailand
        after the project is ... , Abteilung für alles andere, Berlin
        in the cubature of the Cabinet, art in Fluc; with Misha Stroj
        home sweet home, Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz
11    #6 The don´t you dare issue, Beitrag in Parabol Art Magazin
        pixxelpoint, Nova Gorica, Slowenien
        the borders of drawing, das weisse Haus, Vienna
        Generali Foundation, Animism, Filmcasino Vienna
        home edition, Banská Bystrica, SK, curated by Gabriela Kisová
10    drawing, Tiroler Künstlerschaft, Kunstpavillon, Innsbruck  
        13 projections in public space, a project of KÖR-Steiermark
        Untitled, Kunstverein Medienturm, Graz, curated by Birgit Rinagl und Franz Thalmair
        in:system, Schloss Ulmerfeld, Amstetten, curated by Bernhard Hosa und Anna Spohn
        Life is probably round, Galerie Maerz, Linz, curated by Beate Rathmayr/ Claudia Dworschak
09    Experimental Video Art 6 Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, curated by Sabine Marte     
        the center of attention, vienna art week 2009, Wien, curated by Ursula Maria Probst
        Miriam Bajtala, Herwig Kempinger, Loredana & Günther Selichar, Fotohof, Salzburg
        Performance I, Fotogalerie Vienna
        unORTnung V, Ankerbrotfabrik, Vienna, curated by Veronika Barnas und Georg Schöllhammer
        without a name, 100 years of Technical Museum, Vienna
08     AUSTRIA conTEMPORARY, Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg
        On us. About patterns and propertie, Antipodium, Palais Thurn&Taxis, Bregenz
        as bring collective, Künstlerhaus, Passagengalerie, Vienna
        travellight, curated by Jonathan Quinn, Museumsquartier, Vienna
07     Matilde, autogroupshow, Riga, Lettland
        Kunstankäufe, Nordico, Museum der Stadt Linz, Linz
        need critical spaces affection?, Kunstraum Goethestrasse, Linz
06    meine exzellenz / der gehörige rest, House of Research, Vienna
        in company, 422 Galerie, Gmunden
        earth, heaven, hell, Ursula Blickle Videolounge, Kunsthalle Vienna
        listen to the dreams of others, Egon Schiele Art Centrum, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
        Alpha.. Romeo.. Tango, Hangar 7, Salzburg
05    29. Österr. Grafikwettbewerb, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck
        where are you, now?, auto, Vienna
        Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg / Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz
04    mandatory, MAK center for art and architecture, Schindlerhaus, Los Angeles
        no risk no glory, loop, Raum aktuelles Kunst, Berlin
03    3 projections, Fotogalerie Vienna
02    facing 1, Galerie der Stadt Wels, Wels

- "as she likes it", female Performance Art from Austria, INDEX/DVD Edition 023, Medienwerkstatt Wien
    und sixpackfilm, 2006
- "art_clips/ .ch.at.de", 90 Shortvideos from Switzerland, Germany, Austria Hg.G.J. Lischka und ZKM,
    Zentrum für Kunstund Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, ZKM digital arts edition, Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2006   
-  Video Edition Austria - release 02, Medienwerkstatt Vienna, 2009