Setfoto, Bildrecht / Wittinghofer
2 Screens:      Screen 1: 28 min.
                      Screen 2: 13 min.

In the Bodies shows a video installation in which I deal with body memory, bodily appropriation and classism.  I subject my own past to an experimental act of visualization and actualization. The starting point are reconstructions of the floor plans of the apartments in which I have lived - a spatial curriculum vitae. Based on these graphic templates, experiences of and through space are narrated. 

The video sequences shown convey impressions, memories, insights that address different ways of self-reflection and self-empowerment. In the 'reenactment' of past, differently charged moments, from simple bodily observations to questions of identity and the mechanisms of social attributions, something like a shared witnessing or spatial participation can emerge. 
What does it mean to be 'at a disadvantage' and to come from an economically undercapitalized and culturally uneducated family with a migration 'foreground'? What does the word 'self-empowerment' mean and how can such a story be told in an exhibition?

With in the bodies, I explore how memory, language, spatial and bodily memory, and bodily appropriation interact with each other in mutual feedbacks and loops.


The feature-length film, as yet unnamed, with a length of 70-75 minutes, is in the becoming and will be shown in autum at the earliest.